Historical vehicle activity is viewable on the map and in reports. On the map, you can viewhistory detail for one vehicle (custom date range), or you can turn on trails to view a snapshot of recent vehicle history for multiple vehicles (one hour).
View History Detail on the Map (One Vehicle)
Vehicle history provides a visual representation of logged activity for a custom date range. By default, all historical activity on is dynamically snapped to roads.
To view vehicle history:
- From the map, Search Results tab, or Vehicles tab, click a vehicle.
- Click History.
The historical activity appears for the current day (default).
- Use the date picker to choose a custom date range.
Limit historical range to one week.
History Notation:
On the History tab, logged activity is indicated by movements and stops. Stops are numbered according to the order in which they occurred within the selected date range.
On the map, stops are clustered for easier viewing. The number on a stop cluster indicates the number of stops in that cluster. The stop types in each cluster are indicated by color and sector size.
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Stop Notes:
Stop notes allow drivers to add notes about various stops (e.g., “Customer was not home for delivery.”). Drivers can send notes to 477-477 via SMS if their number is associated with the vehicle. You can view/edit/add individual stop notes within the History tab, and you can also see stop notes applicable reports (i.e., Stop Notes Report).
To view a stop note:
- From the Vehicle Card, click History.
- From the History tab, click one of the stops you want to view. (Stops are either blue, yellow, or red.)
- Click Stop Notes.
If note(s) were added for that stop, they appear in the Stop Notes card and Stop Notes tab.
- Click the stop note, and click Edit to edit the text in the stop note.
- Click Add Stop Note to add a new stop note.
Notes that were added from SMS are indicated by a mobile phone icon, and they also appear in the Mobile Communications tab for that vehicle.
View History Trails on the Map (Multiple Vehicles)
Historical trails provide a snapshot of vehicle activity for the last hour. You can find the Trails button on the Map Toolbar.
Trails Enabled
Trails Disabled
If you have a large number of vehicles on the map, you may want to filter the map by a particular vehicle group before turning on history trails. If you do not see any history trails on the map, the selected vehicles have not updated their locations in the last hour. To view detailed history for multiple vehicles, upgrade to the Pro product.
Need to see a newly installed device on the map? Check out About Vehicles.