The Manage Colors page allows you to create and save custom color scales that you can apply to metrics, attributes, or trip summary identifiers within areas of the portal (e.g., the Utilization Rollup dashlet).
To add/edit new color scale:
- From the Utilization Rollup dashlet, click Edit (
- Click Create New Scale.
The Manage Colors page appears. The Color Editor loads the last item that was added to the dashlet (attribute, metric, or trip summary identifier). If you want to define a color scale for a different item, choose from the Type drop-down and then the Id drop-down. Or, choose Edit from the Color List, which displays attributes, metrics, or trip summary identifiers that currently have a color scale defined.
- Add a Name for the color scale.
- Adjust the minimum and maximum range values. If you want to add another point in the range, click the scale.
- Click the color boxes to open a color picker and choose a new one as needed.
- When finished, click Update.
If you’re editing a color scale that is already associated with a scorecard metric, you cannot modify events or points. In that case, you can modify only the color(s) on the existing point(s) and color names.
If you make a mistake and want to revert back to what the scale was (name) prior to the last save, click Reset. Changes to colors and points are not currently reset.