Getting Directions

You can get directions based on a closest vehicle (determined by radius); based on an address that you enter; or based on another vehicle’s location (determined ad hoc), a landmark, or a dropped pin.

Directions can be dispatched to a vehicle / driver via SMS or email. SMS messages will be sent from 477-477 (GPSGPS). Emails will be sent from alerts@[provider].com. Drivers can open the dispatched route and invoke turn-by-turn directions using Google (web-based app), iPhone (native mapping app), or iOS-Google (Google Maps iOS app).

Find / Dispatch the Closest Vehicle

The Closest To feature allows you to view all vehicles that match your search criteria (i.e., vehicle group and radius). You can sort the results by estimated drive time or drive distance.

To find the closest vehicle:

  1. From the map, Search Results tab, or Vehicles tab, click the vehicle you want use as the reference point.

You can also use an address (search bar), landmark, or dropped pin as a reference point.

  1. Click Closest To.

By default, the Closest To tab shows results for all vehicles within 5 miles. To modify the search, choose a specific vehicle group or a different radius value.

  1. Hover over the results to see the recommended paths on the map (shown in blue).


  1. From the results, click the vehicle that you want to dispatch.

Directions will appear FROM the selected vehicle TO the reference vehicle.

To switch the TO and FROM locations, click Swap (0007). For more options based on travel modes and departure times, click to open the directions in Google Maps.

  1. On the Directions tab, choose a phone number / email address (if listed), or enter a new phone number or email address.

Default vehicle contact info can be set by editing vehicle information.

  1. Click Send.

Enter an Address

For best results, format addresses according to Google’s address entry guidelines (e.g., 1234 Main Street, City, State Zip). Places (i.e., restaurant names, places of business) are not typically recognized in the address search.

To find a vehicle by address:

  1. From the map, Search Results tab, or Vehicles tab, click the vehicle you want use as the reference point.

You can also use an address (search bar), landmark, or dropped pin as a reference point.

  1. Click Directions.
  2. Click Enter an Address.
  3. In the To box, enter a street address or geocoded value (latitude/longitude).
  4. Click OK.

Directions will appear FROM the reference vehicle TO the destination.

To switch the TO and FROM locations, click Swap (0007). For more options based on travel modes and departure times, click to open the directions in Google Maps.

  1. On the Directions tab, choose a phone number / email address (if listed), or enter a new phone number or email address.

Default vehicle contact info can be set by editing vehicle information.

  1. Click Send.

Clicking from a Dropped Pin, Another Vehicle, or a Landmark

In addition to finding the closest vehicle or entering a physical address, you can get directions to/from the following items on the map:

  • Dropped Pin: Use the Map toolbar to drop a pin and drag it anywhere on the map.
  • Vehicle: Pick a vehicle ad hoc from the map.
  • Landmark: Use the Map toolbar to show landmarks on the map.

Use the following steps for any of the above destinations:

  1. From the map, Search Results tab, or Vehicles tab, click the vehicle you want use as the reference point.

You can also use an address (search bar), landmark, or dropped pin as a reference point.

  1. Click Directions.
  2. Using the map, click on a dropped pin, another vehicle, or a landmark.

Directions will appear FROM the reference vehicle TO the destination.

To switch the TO and FROM locations, click Swap (0007). For more options based on travel modes and departure times, click to open the directions in Google Maps.

  1. On the Directions tab, choose a phone number / email address (if listed), or enter a new phone number or email address.

Default vehicle contact info can be set by editing vehicle information.

  1. Click Send.