The 2D Current map shows current status of all vehicles or a selected vehicle group (current point only, 5 minute trail, 15 minute trail, 30 minute trail, full-day trail, or full-day trail with stops). Options include cluster toggle, traffic toggle, center, map view, and satellite view. View landmarks on the map and/or create new ones. Filter vehicles by attribute(s). The 2D Current map has the following features:
# | Option | Description |
1 | Clusters | Clusters represent more than one vehicle in a similar location. Clusters provide enhanced clarity when viewing a bird’s eye view of a map with a large number of vehicles. The number in a cluster’s center indicates the vehicles included, and the ring around the cluster indicates the statuses of the clustered vehicles. (Colors correspond to the map legend.) As you zoom in and vehicles appear farther apart, clusters update accordingly.
2 | Traffic | The Traffic toggle helps you identify the speed of traffic on the road compared to free-flowing conditions. For highways, green means there is a normal speed of traffic. The more red the road becomes, the slower the speed of traffic on the road. Gray indicates there is no data available.
3 | Center | The Center button automatically re-sizes and re-adjusts the current zoom level of the map to include all vehicles on the map. |
4 | Map View | Shows the street map overlay (below left). Includes an option to add terrain (below right).
5 | Satellite View | Shows the satellite image overaly (left). Includes an option to turn off labels (right).
6 | Landmark Options | Click the Landmarks button to toggle landmarks on/off. Use the drop-down to filter the landmarks that appear on the map by group. |
7 | Vehicle Options | Modify or turn on/off vehicle labels (default primary is Vehicle, default alternate is Driver). Alternate vehicle labels appear in parentheses if both the primary and alternate label are available. Use the filter box to filter the vehicles on the map by vehicle name using keyword strings. Results filter as you type. Use a wildcard * to search for closest string matches. |
8 | Attribute Options | (This option is not available to every account.) Attributes allow you to add custom, descriptive properties to your vehicles beyond the basic vehicle information. You can then use attributes to filter the map (e.g., show only vehicles with a boom height less than 20 ft and a lift capacity between 00-1000lbs).
9 | Vehicle List | View the list of vehicles currently on the map (alphabetical order). Clear the check box next to a vehicle to remove it from the map. Click a vehicle from the list or from the map to load the vehicle information box (see 10). |
10 | Vehicle Information Box | Also known as the Vehicle Card. Shows the selected vehicle’s information, including vehicle label, movement status, ignition status, odometer, lat/lon, runtime, temperature (if available), stop time, current capture date, messaging options (SMS, Email, and Garmin if available), landmark options, and directions options. Select a vehicle from the Vehicles List Control or by clicking an icon on the map. Advance to tabs within the information box by using the links or by consecutive clicks on the vehicle name/icon. |
11 | Legend | Shows colors that represent vehicle status and shapes. You can customize the threshold values from the dashboard (User Preferences icon). |
12 | Navigation Controls | A) Directional Control Arrows: Click the appropriate arrow buttons to move the view north, south, east, or west. B) Street View: Drag the yellow pegman to a location on the map for street-level imagery. (Click the X in the upper, right corner to exit.) C) Zoom / Slider: Click + or – to zoom in or zoom out, or drag the zoom slider. |
11 | Address Search Box | Enter an address or landmark name to jump to a specific location on the map. If you close this control, you must re-run the map to see it again. |