Vehicle groups are used to organize your vehicles using classifications that make sense to your business. Groups allow you to easily filter the map, as well as reports and alerts, by isolating a subset of vehicles in your fleet.
Create a Vehicle Group
You can create any number of vehicle groups, and a vehicle can belong to more than one group.
To create a vehicle group:
- From the menu, click Vehicles.
- Click Groups.
- Click Create Group.
- Enter the group name, and click OK.
- Select the vehicles (i.e., group members) that belong to the group.
- Click Save.
You can edit and delete vehicle groups from the Group Card (click a group name to view options). The ALL VEHICLES is a system group that shows all vehicles in your account. You cannot edit or delete this group.
Filter/ Un-filter the Map by Vehicle Group
Filtering the map allows you to show only the members of a particular vehicle group, while temporarily hiding any vehicles that are not in group. You can filter by one group at a time.
To filter by group:
- From the Search Results tab or Groups tab, click the group you want to view.
- Click Filter.
The map adjusts to show only the members in the selected group. The hidden vehicles are still available to view and select from the Vehicles tab, but they will not appear on the map.
- When you’re ready to show all vehicles again, click the ALL VEHICLES group from the Groups tab, and click Filter.
- Click Filter.
Sharing / Un-sharing a Vehicle Group
Sharing a vehicle group gives you a public link to a map of vehicles that you can email or share (i.e., display on your company’s website for your customers to see). Groups that have been shared have a share indicator ().
To share a group:
- From the Search Results tab or Groups tab, click the group you want to view.
- Click Share.
- From the Share Group pop-out window, click OK.
A new browser tab opens, which shows the selected vehicles as they appear on a publicly available map. Use the URL in the Address Bar of your browser window to copy or share the link. You can access the URL at anytime by clicking the share indicator () next to the group name.
- When you’re ready to disable the link, click group name.
- Click Unshare
- From the Unshare Group pop-out window, click OK.
Follow / Un-follow a Group
Following a vehicle group automatically centers the map around the selected vehicles as their locations update.
To follow a group:
- From the Search Results tab or Groups tab, click the group you want to view.
- Click Follow.
The map automatically centers around the selected vehicles to ensure they are all in view. The map continues to dynamically center as the vehicles update their locations.
Use the Following box in the upper, left of the map to remove (x) any of the group members from being followed. Also optionally hide other vehicles on the map as long as the Following feature is enabled.
- When you’re ready to stop following the group, click the X in the upper, right corner of the Following box.
Vehicle groups are used to organize the vehicles based on logical separations that make sense to your business. Groups allow you to easily filter reports, maps, and dashlets. Groups also determine which users of your Nuvo Solutions portal account can view information for certain vehicles.
Add Vehicle Groups
You can create any number of vehicle groups. For each group you create, you can assign vehicles and users to that group. Vehicles and users can belong to more than one vehicle group.
Company XYZ uses trucks to transport large heating/cooling equipment and uses vans for conducting on-site repairs. The trucks are assigned to a “Delivery” group and the vans to a “Service” group. When viewing maps and reports, XYZ’s owner filters by the “Delivery” group when he only wants to see tracking data related to deliveries for the day. Additionally, XYZ’s owner ensures that his Service Manager (Tom Jones) can only see vehicles that belong to the “Service” group when Tom accesses the portal.
To create a new vehicle group:
- From the portal, hover over the Account menu, click Manage Vehicles, and click Open.
The Manage Vehicles and Groups page opens in a new browser tab.
- At the bottom of the Vehicle Group List grid, click Vehicle Group next to Create New.
- In the Create New Vehicle Group window, enter a name for the group.
- Click Create Group.
The window refreshes with a list of all vehicles. By default none of your registered vehicles are included in the new group.
- From the right pane (Vehicles NOT in the group), click to select the vehicle(s) to add to the new group. (CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select more than one vehicle at a time.)
- Click Add.
- Click Save Changes.
The window refreshes with a list of all users. By default your username is included in the group.
Depending on your stage in the setup process, you may only have one user (yourself) listed here. You can also manage user access to vehicle groups from the Users administration page.
- From the right pane (Users with NO ACCESS to the group), click to select the users to add to the new group. (CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select more than one user at a time.)
- Click Add.
- Click Save Changes and then Close to return to the Manage Vehicles and Groups page.
Set Vehicle Group Membership
Each time you create a new group, you can assign vehicle(s) and user(s) to that group. If you skipped a vehicle by mistake during that process, or if you want to quickly update group membership for a specific vehicle after initial group creation, you can use this process.
To assign or remove a vehicle to/from one or more groups:
- From the portal, hover over the Account menu, click Manage Vehicles, and click Open.
The Manage Vehicles and Groups page opens in a new browser tab.
- From the Vehicle List grid, locate the vehicle you want to assign to one or more vehicle group, and click Assign to Vehicle Groups (group icon
The window refreshes with a list of all vehicle groups including those groups that are already assigned to the current vehicle.
- From the right pane (Groups vehicle is NOT in), CTRL+click to select the vehicle groups you want to assign to the current vehicle.
- Click Add. (Or select groups from the left pane and click Remove to un-assign the current vehicle from groups.)
- Click Save Changes to return to the Manage Vehicles and Groups page.
More reference materials:
- Car or truck not showing up on the map? Check out About Vehicles.
- Having trouble with reports not returning relevant data? Check out Reviewing Reports.
- Scheduled report not working? View Managing User Access.