From the Status Bar, you can view a general overview of details pertaining to the selected vehicle, maintenance/service log information, and nearby assets and landmarks.
This article may contain references to the Driver feature available through the Driver Management add-on. If you would like additional information, please contact your Account Manager.
Overview Tab
The Overview tab of the Vehicle Card Status Bar gives you at-a-glance information about the selected vehicle including:
- Status
- Driver (if assigned)
- Device Serial Number
- Landmark (if applicable)
- Odometer
- Runtime
- Voltage (if reported by a supported device)
- Engine Temperature (if applicable)
- Sensor Temperature (if applicable)
- Coolant Temp (if applicable)
- Ignition
- Last Reported
- Attributes (if applicable)
- Inputs (if applicable)
- Camera Events (if applicable, must have Driveri Add-on)
- Street View
For a vehicle to be assigned an “out-of-range” status, the vehicle must meet two technical requirements: 1) Last known ignition Event is ON, AND 2) Last device ping received 60 minutes ago or more.
Assigning, Changing, or Removing a Driver
You can assign, change, or remove an assigned driver to a vehicle from the Overview section of the Vehicle Card.
How to assign a driver:
- From the Details section of the Vehicle Card, click Assign Driver.
- Use the Searchable Select field by typing a driver’s name in the field or use drop-down field to scroll down and click on a driver.
- Click Assign.
The Assign Driver pop-up window appears.
You cannot create a driver within this Searchable Select field. Drivers must be created prior to using the field to appear in the available list of drivers. See Adding a Driver for step-by-step instructions.
The driver is assigned to the vehicle.
How to change a driver:
- From the Overview section of the Vehicle Card, click Reassign next to the current assigned driver’s name.
- Use the New driver field by typing a driver’s name in the field or use drop-down field to scroll down and click on a driver.
- Click Reassign.
- Click Yes, Assign to proceed with the assignment change.
The Reassign Vehicle to New Driver pop-up window appears.
You cannot create a driver within this Searchable Select field. Drivers must be created prior to using the field to appear in the available list of drivers. See Adding a Driver for step-by-step instructions.
If the selected driver is already assigned to a vehicle, a pop-up appears asks you to confirm the driver’s reassignment.
You may cancel the assignment change by clicking No, Cancel.
The driver assigned to the vehicle is changed.
How to remove an assigned driver:
- From the Overview section of the Vehicle Card, click the Delete/Remove button (X) next to the current assigned driver’s name.
The assigned driver is removed from the vehicle.
Using the Street View
You can use Street View to view the vehicle’s location on the map for street-level imagery.
How to use the Street View:
- From the Street View section of the Vehicle Card, click on the Expand button (
- To interact with the Street View, click on the screen to move the view up/down the street. To move the view, click and drag on the Street View screen. To zoom in or out, use the trackpad or trackball on your mouse.
- To expand the Street View to Full Screen, click the Toggle fullscreen view button (
). To exit Full Screen view, press the Esc button on your keyboard or click the Exit full screen view (
- To collapse the view, click the Collapse button.
The Street View section expands to show the street view of the vehicle’s location.
If Street View is unavailable for the location, a message is displayed stating: “Currently unavailable for this location”.
Maintenance Tab
The Maintenance tab allows you to track vehicle services through services due and services completed logs. You can monitor and create vehicle services using the Maintenance Page directly from this tab.
To manage services due and completed services, please see Vehicle Card – Vehicle Maintenance.
Nearby Tab
Nearby lists offer sorted lists of nearby assets and landmarks closest to the selected vehicle displaying by closest to farthest in miles. You may click on any of the listed assets/landmarks to view the corresponding Vehicle/Landmark Card.
This list can be especially useful if you are looking to dispatch one asset to another and would like to dispatch the closest appropriate asset possible. To do so, use the Send Dispatch function on the Vehicle Card and enter in the asset’s Vehicle ID for “Location to Send” and the closest appropriate asset’s Vehicle ID for “Send this location to the following recipient(s)” or vice versa, depending on your need. See the instructions under Sending a Dispatch for additional information.