How can I see unregistered devices?

I can’t see all of my vehicles in the portal yet. How do I know which devices haven’t yet been installed and/or registered?

An unregistered device is in your inventory but not yet associated with a vehicle (and therefore not yet incurring a monitoring fee). When you add a new vehicle, the Serial Number drop-down displays all unregistered devices:

If you want to view more details about these unregistered devices (such as device type and date inventoried), you can export this list to CSV.

To export unregistered devices:

  1. From the Account menu, click Manage Vehicles, and then click Update/Export items using a spreadsheet.

  1. From the Export Details to Spreadsheeet section, choose your preferences, and click Save To File.

The download location may vary depending on the browser you are using. Typically it is saved in C:\Users\yourname\Downloads.

  1. Open the downloaded spreadsheet to view details.